Debunking Popular Botox Myths

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18th September 2024

Debunking Popular Botox Myths

Although Botox has been used for many years and its benefits well-known and understood by professionals in the medical and cosmetic field, there is still a stigma around its use. So many people we come across at our Botox clinic in Doncaster would love the benefits of Botox treatment but are put off by other people’s opinions, horror stories or prejudices about Botox. “Botox is toxic”, “painful”, “it will ruin your appearance forever!”

Let’s take a deep-dive into what Botox actually is – its benefits, risks, positives, negatives and finally debunk those popular Botox myths!

Quick history of Botox

Botox, also known as “Botulinum Toxin” was discovered in 1895 by Professor Emile Van Ermengem and after being studied for almost a century, in 1970 scientists discovered after using Botox as treatment for Strabismus, more commonly known as crossed-eyes in monkeys, that they also appeared noticeably less-wrinkled around their eyes which then led to further research into its effectiveness as a cosmetic treatment in humans.

After careful and thorough research and trials, the FDA approved Botox for therapeutic use by professionals as a treatment for many medical issues and cosmetic purposes.

What is Botox?

Botox is a toxin that, when administered by a professional in small doses, works by relaxing or paralysing certain muscles or nerves temporarily, which can work as an effective treatment for medical conditions such as migraines and also for cosmetic purposes such as anti-wrinkle treatments.

Popular Botox myths

Let’s have a look at some of the common misconceptions people have of Botox and finally get to the truth!

“Botox is extremely painful!

Botox is administered via an injection, so of course, there will likely be a level of discomfort that comes with this. However, the majority of people that have experienced Botox injections describe the feeling as a small scratch, similar to or most of the time, less painful than a routine vaccination. In fact, many people have reported that their Botox injections were almost pain-free, both before, during and after the procedure!

All Botox does is relax the muscle for a temporary time which creates a smoother texture to the skin where muscles would usually be working hard to create frown lines, crow’s feet, etc.

In some small cases, there may be a little bit of bruising where the injection was administered but, in most cases, people experience no bruising at all!

At our Botox clinic in Doncaster, our experienced nurses use the best, ultra-thin needles to ensure as little discomfort as possible. We understand that some patients will be anxious about the procedure and so all of our nurses are there on hand to guide you through every step of the way and help ease some of that worry!

“Lyndsey is lovely. Professional, informative and really catering. I’m not a fan of needles and she helped me to prepare for my appointment. Gave me all the information needed prior and talked me through everything on the day” – Kelly-Ann.

“Botox is a permanent alteration”

One of the biggest worries people have about getting Botox is that they’ll have it once and, should it go wrong, it will permanently distort or damage them. This is not the case. Botox is a temporary treatment that usually lasts between 3 – 6 months, depending on the body’s immune system and other factors.

Botox works as a muscle relaxant that will, overtime, wear off and return the muscle and skin structure to its original state.

It’s worth noting that ‘botched Botox’ is an extreme rarity and that this is usually always caused by unqualified or inexperienced nurses carrying out the procedure without the proper knowledge. That’s why it’s so important to do your research on who you choose as your nurse. A bargain price may not always go in your favour! Check the company’s website for credentials, social media and reviews! This will give you the peace of mind that you’re in safe, capable hands!

“Botox is toxic!”

Wrong. Botox is a toxin, yes – as are many other products we use in our everyday life, from cleaning and medication to toiletries. Botox, when properly diluted by a trained professional, is a completely safe chemical to use, and when administered correctly, will almost eliminate the risk of the drug migrating to any other areas of the body where any problems could arise.

In fact, there has actually been no reported long term side effects of Botox injections, making this an extremely safe procedure when done correctly.

It’s also worth remembering that Botox isn’t just used for cosmetic procedures. It’s regularly used for medical procedures to treat disorders such as migraines, cerebral palsy and chronic pain. Doctors would not use an unsafe, toxic substance to treat their patients!

“Botox is only for women”

Really?! Why should women be the only ones that can give themselves a little refresh now and then?! Botox is as perfectly safe, effective and acceptable for men to use as women and shouldn’t be considered a “feminine” thing to do. At our Botox clinic in Doncaster, we welcome all genders looking to experience the many benefits of Botox. There’s really nothing more to say on this one!

“Botox is addictive!”

This is completely false. There are no molecules in the Botox chemical that could cause a physical addiction, therefore it’s impossible to get addicted to Botox. As discussed, the effects of Botox injections last anyway between 3 and 6 months – at the end of this, all that will happen is that the physical signs of Botox will have worn off. You will not experience any withdrawal symptoms whatsoever. Some people may wish to have the procedure repeated once it’s worn off, simply because they like how Botox worked for them. Others choose not to have the injections again. It’s completely up to the individual whether they choose to keep Botox up or not! Simple as that.

“Botox will ruin your face”

As we’ve already said, Botox is simply a temporary muscle relaxant that effectively creates a smoother, refreshed look where it’s administered. Of course, like everything else, moderation is key! Too much Botox used unnecessarily could result in a less than desirable appearance.

At Elixir Skin Clinic, our expert nurses will work with you to advise firstly on whether or not you’ll benefit from Botox and if so, where and how much you’d need to achieve your desired results. Our nurses specialise in achieving a natural, subtle look, creating a rejuvenated and refreshed appearance without the “frozen / emotionless” look people fear from Botox.

As long as you do your research and select an experienced, trained nurse, there’s really no risk of you not achieving the results you want from Botox.

“Lyndsey is amazing. Professional, knowledgeable and honest about procedures and results. Feel so at ease in her lovely clinic. She has literally turned my frown upside down. My kids no longer ask me why I’m sad when I’m not. Doesn’t get better than that!” – J.W.

Myths = Debunked!

Don’t let other people’s prejudice and lack of research put you off exploring the effects of Botox for yourself. Give our team a call today at our Botox clinic in Doncaster and book in your own consultation where you’ll have the chance to discuss any concerns or reservations you have and see for yourself whether Botox is the right option for you.

“I am pleased with the discussion we had regarding my concerns and felt very assured and confident. Lyndsey made sure she understood what treatments I was interested in and why. She provided lots of information and went as far as demonstrating how she would do these treatments. She provided me with leaflets on the treatments I have coming up and I left feeling happy, grateful to have found Elixir skin clinic!” – Sai.

Book A Consultation

If you’d like more information or looking for a Botox clinic in Doncaster, why not book in for a consultation with one of our expert nurses today! Simply fill in our contact form and we’ll get back to you in no time!

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