What Is The Best Anti-Wrinkle Injection?
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15th May 2023
What Is The Best Anti-Wrinkle Injection?
If you’re looking to enhance or correct your appearance, anti-wrinkle injections could be a great choice for your skin. But which is the best kind and what should you look for in your treatment? We’ll cover all this – and more – in today’s post, brought to you by Elixir Skin Clinic in Doncaster.
So, what do you recommend?
Here at our aesthetics clinic in Doncaster, we use botulinum toxin A (Botox) for our anti-wrinkle injections. A leading treatment globally, it helps to minimise movement in the treated area, which in turn reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles. As such, it’s used where expressions like frowning, laughing and smiling have caused these lines and wrinkles to develop.
Why do you use Botox?
Botox can be used both curatively and preventatively. Because it inhibits movement, we can inject it into areas where wrinkles may develop due to expressions, and delay the process. We can also use it to target areas which are already seeing those lines and wrinkles developing. This treatment is only recommended for those over 18.
What about dermal fillers?
This is an entirely separate treatment because it works in a different way, and as such is used on different areas of the face. Botox, or anti-wrinkle injections, target places of movement like the brows, forehead and around the eyes. Dermal fillers, by comparison, are recommended for lines and wrinkles that form due to skin ageing, where loss of volume causes skin to sag or pucker.
Can I use both treatments together?
Absolutely, and some of our clients do. But you must have them in the right areas, to target the right concerns. For instance, dermal fillers might not be recommended for forehead wrinkles.
Are there risks with anti-wrinkle injections?
Any injectable treatment – including anti-wrinkle injections – comes with risks. That’s because it involves a substance being placed into your body, which means reactions could occur and the needle itself could lead to tenderness or redness in the targeted area. However, with our training, skills and expertise at Elixir Clinic, we help to keep these risks low – and give you detailed aftercare to follow once you’ve had treatment.
Will I need a consultation for Botox?
Absolutely. This is a prescription-only medicine and may not be suitable in all cases. We might also suggest other treatments, or complementary treatments, at the same time. To arrange a consultation with Elixir Skin Clinic, just visit our contact page and follow the details there. We hope to see you here in Doncaster soon for your incredible aesthetic makeover.